Android Root Detection Techniques

I am trying to create a exhaustive list of various techniques which can be used to detect whether an Android device is rooted or not. These techniques have been taken from various sources, listed in the references section at the end of this post. If you are aware of techniques apart from one mentioned in the post, please add them in the comment.

  • Check Installed Packages:
    1. SuperSU app
    2. Rooting apps: Apps that exploit privilege-escalation vulnerabilities to root the device (e.g One Click Root, iRoot)
    3. Root Apps: Apps that require root privileges for their functions. E.g busybox, SetCPU, Titanium Backup.
    4. Root Cloakers: Apps that hide whether the device is rooted or not. e.g Root Cloaker, Root Cloaker Plus.
    5. API hooking frameworks: Libraries that provide API hooking functions. E.g Cydia Substrate, Xpose Framework.
  • Check Installed Files:
    1. Static Paths:
      1. /system/xbin/su, /system/bin/su or /system/xbin/../xbin/su (path manipulated)
      2. /system/xbin/busybox and all symbolic links of commands created by BusyBox.
      3. /data/app/<APK name> or /system/app/<APK name> of popular apps packages that are installed during or after rooting.
    2. Dynamic Paths: Parse the PATH variable, appending “/su” to each entry; open each in a loop
  • Check the BUILD tag: stock android images from Google are built with “release-keys” tag. If “test-keys” are presented, this can probably mean the Android image is developer build or an unofficial build. This value is basically from “”.
  • Check Directory Permissions:
    1. Rooting makes certain root folders readable, like /data, or writable, like /etc, /system/xbin, /system, /proc, /vendor/bin etc. Run the mount command and check if any device is mounted with “rw” flag, or try to create a file under “/system” or “/data” folder.
    2. Attempt to mount “/system” partition with command “mount -o remount, rw /system“, and check the return code.
  • Check Processes/Services/Tasks:
    1. ActivityManager.getRunningAppProcesses method returns a list of currently running application processes. This API can be used to determine if any app which requires root privileges is running.
    2. getRunningServices or getRunningTasks: Get currently running services or tasks.
  • Check Rooting Traits Using Shell Commands: Using Runtime.exec, ProcessBuilder or execve()
    1. su
    2. which su
    3. ps | grep <target> : lists currently running processes.
    4. ls – <target>: check existence of a file in the file system
    5. pm list packages
    6. pm path <package>: Output the full path of the targeted package
    7. cat /system/build.prop or grep Check whether =release-keys. This test can be used only as an indicator, as there are many contrary observations in the wild.
    8. Build Version: “ro.modversion” can be used to identify certain custom Android ROMs (e.g CyanogenMod)
  • Check System Properties:
    1., means adb shell will be running as root, instead of shell user.
    2. ro.debuggable =1 or service.adb.root=1, then adb will run as root as well.

Needless to say, these techniques can be bypassed by function hooking or custom build Android ROMs etc.

